Aug 15-2014

Company Turba is able to produce the mix that client requires and/or develop product mix specific for the targeted product grown or maintained

There are however, 2 main products developed at company Turba and available in large quantity
The types and benefits of these 2 products are listed below:

Usage Type 1:
Turba Green Compost
Type 2:
Turba Compost Mix
(40% Green compost+40% Peat Substrate+20% Sand)
(Click to enlarge)
Mulch around trees Usage rate: 100%
Use about 6-10 cm deep
Min 1 m diameter depending on
tree type/size/objective
Type 1 is more recommended -Preserves Water
-Slow Release of Nutrients
-Improves Soil Texture
-Helps control weeds
-Esthetic Beauty
Mulch Between Plants Usage rate: 100%
Use about 5cm deep
Spread the compost among plants
Should not be used for direct planting
Usage rate: 100%
Can be used on surface and below plants
Can be used for direct planting
-Preserves Water
-Slow Release of Nutrients
-Improves Soil Texture
-Helps control weeds
-Esthetic Beauty
New Lawn preparation Usage rate 5%, Best when Mix with 10% peat and remaining 85% with local clean sand Usage rate 20%
Remaing 80% local clean sand
-Faster lawn development
-Preserves Water
-Slow Release of Nutrients
-Improves Soil Texture
Lawn Improvement Usage rate: 100%
Use as thin top layer and
spread it over the lawn;
Best during aeration process
Can be used BUT Type 1 is better -Preserves Water
-Slow Release of Nutrients
-Improves Soil Texture
-Better root growth
Planting Seasonal plants Mix rate 10% Can be used at rate of 20-100% -Very good potting soil
-Will help roots growth
-Will release nutrients slowly
-Will conserve water
New Tree Root booster -Place below Tree for root growth
Mix rate of 10%
-Can be used as mulch for water conservation
Place below and around tree
Mix rate 50-100%
-Will help roots growth
-Will improve soil texture
-Will release nutrients
